Scandal Stinks Up Week 6

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If you’ve been following along the past few days you’ve seen some ugly news come to light involving a third of the franchises in the Dad Bods Fantasy Football League.

While league officials have launched their own investigations into the matter we here at Picked Off Magazine have uncovered just what went down on that fateful Friday night.

In what started out as a joyous meeting of league members to discuss the future of their franchises and the league after last week’s Fall Summit took a dramatic unexpected turn just a few hours later. Representatives from all west coast based teams gathered at A Shot and A Beer HQ, who graciously hosted we’ve heard, to celebrate the first few weeks of the season. One thing lead to another thing which lead to another and all of the league members were soon not in a clear decision making state of mind. Thus, they made a decision that in recent times they’ve been unfortunately avoiding due to their ever-growing stardom by dancing the night away amongst the masses.

As the night grew older more and more of the crowd could not believe their eyes in seeing many of the stars of the Dad Bods Fantasy Football League celebrating mid-season. Always gracious, the franchise owners were happy to take countless photos and share libations for any and every. That is, until one onlooker crossed the line.

Hey Puppy Dawgs… Breece Hall… STINKS!! But you smell like roses!!!


All bets were off at that point as the Big Dawgs simply would not stand this kind of language being said about their star rookie despite the compliment on their aroma. Security quickly intervened but not before Bread ‘N’ Butter stepped in to lend aid to fellow league-mate. Soon after a member from A Shot and A Beer as well as The Crockpot Boys were involved in the scuffle as they tried to quickly get everyone out in hopes none of this would reach the light. Unfortunately for them nothing gets past us here at Picked Off Magazine.

Questions must also be asked where were the other representatives from A Shot and A Beer, The Crockpot Boys, and Hogs, Inc. during this scandal? Very convenient I must say, especially for the Hogs. Allegedly the notoriously hard-working Hogs were in deep discussion with one member from A Shot and a Beer about star AJ Brown. Maybe there is more of this story still to be told…

For now we wait and see where this will land on the Commissioners wheel of justice. Our source within the league office, yes they have a mole, has heard murmurs of a punishment not far from this:

Regardless, a dark day for the DBFFL on what has become known as Black Friday. Some image reconstruction will be needed for quite some time in the months ahead.

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